29 Aug

Began this beautiful morning across the street from the RV park where we stayed in Escalante, UT at the Interagency Visitor Center watching and participating in identifying and tagging Hummingbirds!

A staff of five volunteers tagged over 110 hummingbirds between 8-11am.

These included: Rufus, Calliope, Black chin, and Broadtail hummingbirds. These birds were flying wild (migrating), gently caught, measured and tagged and then handed to me and Jodie to feed and release. Amazing to say the least! 

Scientists and volunteers busy collecting data

Nifty way of gently collecting birds.

Data as shown above includes sex, weight, length, tail color, age, health and more.

Black Chinned Hummingbird

Baby Rufus?

After our fun with the hummingbirds we drove about an hour south to Bryce Canyon (Amphitheater). More MIND BLOWING SCENES

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